

Ecobarrier Silt Curtain - Type I for inshore use
Published on 11 Dec ‘19
Silt Curtains: How to select the right curtain?
Ecobarrier Silt Curtain - Type I for inshore use

Selecting the right silt curtain for your project before commencement is the most critical aspect of the decision. Many view the use of a silt curtain as a necessary evil that is forced on them, often in the late stages of project mobilization and one that just needs to be put in place to tick a box or meet requirements of a consultant or client.

Making the wrong selection, such as one based purely on price, can have far reaching ramifications on site, resulting in far greater costs to the project than the marginal cost savings at the start of the project. Incorrectly selecting or installing a silt curtain can result in failure and the shutdown of a project site whilst it is addressed. Taking into consideration the cost per hour or per day of each piece of machinery or manpower on site quickly adds up, so it is important to choose correctly at the start.

In general, the following questions and considerations need to be addressed at the start of the buying decision:

  1. Environmental conditions (currents, waves, water depth)?
  2. Assembly and deployment location?
  3. What equipment is available on site for installation and anchor handling?
  4. Does it need to be relocated and are resources available to do this?
  5. Maintenance and monitoring – do you have the resources and equipment on site to handle a failure?
  6. What are the potential ramifications of a failure (lost project time, downtime costs, environmental damage)?
  7. Project budget?

We put together a table that will help guide your selection of the right model curtain and anchoring at the early phases. The models of curtains are indicative and based on the Ecobarrier Silt Curtain technical datasheets. Download the table here.

It is worth noting that unfortunately not all silt curtains are created equal. When comparing suppliers, please review technical specifications and ensure you are comparing like-for-like. If you wish to receive further information and our full technote pack, just drop us an email.

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