

Monitoring update: Artificial reef trials
Published on 05 Jul ‘15
Monitoring update: Artificial reef trials
Monitoring update: Artificial reef trials

After a week in the water, the algae mats are working better than expected. During the summer months we would expect very little growth due to the water temperature. Considering the amount of algae growth to date, we are looking forward to seeing the progress as the water cools down.

We’re really happy with the results to date, and this trial is giving us some solid data to back up the trials we’ve been doing over the last 8 years. Our intention is to get some solid research behind us in order to roll these artificial reefs out on a larger scale.

The UNU’s report on the effect of development on the Gulf coastline and marine environment – while not at all surprising – acted as a reminder that we HAVE a product that has the ability to help rehabilitate the ecosystem. We have primarily used geosynthetics in our construction projects – to create breakwaters and retaining walls. They have a much lower environmental footprint to rock, they are great for robust coastal protection, they act to create an artificial marine habitat, and look much better than rock. But the applications for geosynthetics in the future are endless: beyond the obvious environmental benefits of creating a marine habitat and increasing biodiversity, there’s the added bonus of creating recreational diving reefs, additional nourishment for fish farms etc. Watch this space for more updates.

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